Music Nomad 3 'n 1 Straightedge Tri-Beam MN821

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59,80 €
This 3-in-1 precision straightedge made of high-quality aluminum is a perfect tool for checking or adjusting the neck curve. One edge is straight so that it can be placed on the frets. On the other two edges, the “frets” are notched (22 frets), which is why you can also check the neck curve without the frets.
The F-25.5 edge is for scale lengths from 25.34“ to 25.625” (64.36cm to 65.09cm) and the G-24.75/P-25 edge for scale lengths from 24.625“ to 25” (62.55cm to 63.5cm). The length of the straightedge is 44.7cm.
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